I thought I’d better post here, because it seems it’s been a while!
I know many people might be thinking that this project is going the way of all the others… vapourware, and to be truthful there is always the chance of that. I do find it very hard to get the work done in the evenings, when I have so much going on. And we’ve had such a good summer, in the scheme of things, that I’ve found it very hard to do any coding in the evenings.
The last few months has seen me going through a merry go round of my work contracts, and in particular I’ve been working silly hours.
I also had a lot of problems with Marmalade, the SDK I’m using to give me the cross platform. They have only recently been resolved.
Anyway, enough of the excuses, other than to say that 6 months has disappeared and the project hasn’t moved on a great deal!
The intention is to fire up the quatro, and make a real push to get work done started again from Jan. I’ll also try and keep the blog up to date.
I noticed that man people have visited and will have seen no movement for a while… sorry about that!
So, watch this space…
I’ve posted this suggestion before (had no reply) but have you looked at obtaining funding for this through Kickstarter? It could be exactly what you need as if successfully funded you get paid and therefore the project becomes a piece of real work that you can include in your time management like any other.
It’s an interesting concept, one I will need to look into much deeper.
Great. I’m really looking forward to this. As the proud owner of the original games ( With the famous yellow carboard boxes still in great shape ) I would buy this in an instant!
Hey Chris,
Do not beat yourself up: we are all going through this, right now when the work/finance/everything situation is going mad worldwide.
I daresay I speak for most, if not all, the blog contributors and the Midnight fans, when I say we are all greatful for all and any work you can do on this project.
So, let’s fear no recession or Eurocrisis: to 2012 and beyond we go!
Hi Chris… Yeah, it is.
I’m a tabletop RPer and RPG companies regularly use it to fund their products. It may not *work* for you but I think its worth a look and there are people out there that I’m sure would fund you. I would! I’d certainly spread the word on places like RPGnet and the like as would other I’m sure which would increase your backing as well.
I hope you will find time and motivation to finish the project. That would be something to show ipad kids what good games used to be about
Best regards.
Fingers crossed that you manage to get this out to the world. Must be hard working solo, why not get some kindred spirits on board who could help you out?