A spring release for The Lords of Midnight and Doomdark’s Revenge. Version 2.0.8 has hit the stores. There are a number of LoM changes but it’s a huge DDR update. Check out the last post for full details of all the changes. Last thing for me to do with this update is to get it back one GoG.
Unless there are any problems then this will be the last Cocos2d-x release. Don’t worry – there is a replacement plan…
As you will be aware if you’ve paid attention to my many troubles with development over the years, I moved from Marmalade SDK to Cocos2d-x a few years ago due to Marmalade getting out of the SDK game. It’s been two years since I managed the v2 release which was the first under Cocos2d-, and. it was six years ago that I managed my last Marmalade build.
Well Cocos2d-x is pretty much no longer supported. After they released v4 they have not done any updates in 3 years. As we all know, mobile platforms move forward very quickly, and there is always the chance that either Google or Apple will change something enough that the games don’t work anymore, and then even though it’s open source you’ll need to be luck enough that someone fixes the problem for you, or you are deep in to it yourself. However, changes are usually just small fixes, if Apple decide something fundamentally needs to change in the system, low level c++ SDKs are going to need a lot of work. There are already bugs in the Metal implementation that have dogged my port since I released it that have never been addressed.

Luckily, there is a new supported fork of Cocos2d-x called Axmol. They’ve pushed the SDK forward and fixed a huge amount of issues that existed in Cocos2d-x. I’ve been eyeing it for a while but I finally took the plunge earlier this year and have ported to it. It was a relatively smooth transition as far as most of the engine was concerned. Because it’s based on Cocos2d-x it was mainly about getting the project setup file correctly formatted and not much about the code. However there were a number of issues with the OSX port, which is the one I started with, that were probably unique to me. I say that because I suspect at this stage not many people have released Mac games fully through the App Store with Axmol, or indeed Cocos2d-x to be fairl. But the team were fantastic and we got them all ironed out relatively quickly.
I just have some tweaking on the Windows version which is more to do with building with multiple assets, (my projects are setup to be both LoM and DDR which is not quite the expected process for Axmol). But I expect to be fully operational across all platforms very soon.
I’d like to get test versions out soon, and will likely start that process in the next month.
With the move to Axmol I believe that the games will be safe on the current platforms for at least a few more years yet. I actually think it’s remarkable that it’s been 11 years since I originally released LoM on iOS.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the latest updates…
Just been to the Mac App store to download LoM. Got it on iOS but it is a computer game after all 😉
Many thanks for keeping this gem so well polished!
Best regards,
Many thanks!!
11 years since the iOS release! I would never have guessed that long!
Hi Chris,
I’m a big fan of LoM and your remakes and I wonder can I ask a question only vaguely related to this post.
I’ve been looking into reproducing the landscaping style of LoM in a 3d world using billboarding. I can’t quite get the maths to work as a simple solution, do you do the drawing in 2d or 3d, and if 3d could you offer any advice on getting it working?
Many thanks,
You can check out this source file.
Essentially LandscapeGenerator::BuildPanorama selects the location to pick, and LandscapeGenerator::CalcCylindricalProjection works out the 2d screen location. However the actual “drawing” is done in this file. Contact me through the repos if you have any more questions or need any further explanation.
Ah I didn’t realise there was a public repository. Thanks Chris I’ll take a look see.
Great work. Minor observation…
2.0.8 Release thinks character in tunnel is about to have battle because enemy above them; no battle happens.
Thanks. So they just get a “prepares do battle” message.
They also have the little cross by them on the selection screens. It saves moving a character to the surface and looking around, but I see that of part of the game.
No really bad effects.
Just a difference from the original noted. Possibly related to the suppression of the terrain information, or was present before?
No it’s because I fixed a bug where the “prepares for battle was not being cleared properly. Only the fix didn’t take in to account tunnels. I’ll fix it next release. Like you say it’s not major and very edge case.