The Lords of Midnight – v2.0

Version 2.0.9 (52)

  1. UPDATED: Moved to Axmol for better device support
  2. ADDED: Game Rule – Fey Recruitment
  3. ADDED: Preview of Novel Scenario
  4. FIXED: Terrain display on think screen

Version 2.0.8 (50)

  1. ADDED: Welcome popup for first time user
  2. FIXED: Check Place think page showing just Ahead…
  3. FIXED: recruit soldiers not working
  4. FIXED: ANDROID: Credits crash – stop proguard stripping version utils.

Version 2.0.8 (47)

  1. ADDED: Game Difficulty – Number of followers should affect outcome of fights
  2. UPDATED: Lords should not be displaced when a member of a group
  3. UPDATED: Groups should not disbanded when the leader dies in a battle
  4. ADDED: Game Difficulty – Number of Soldiers affects the outcome of a fight

Version 2.0.7 (46)

  1. ADDED: Game Difficulty – time affects seeking
  2. ADDED: Game Difficulty – time affects hiding
  3. ADDED: Game Difficulty – time affects recruiting
  4. ADDED: Game Option – Auto Seek enhancement
  5. ADDED: Game Option – Auto Approach enhancement
  6. UPDATED: Android target sdk 33

Version 2.0.6 (47)

  1. FIXED: Options menu is sometimes off the screen on narrow screens.
  2. ADDED: 100% scale to panel_map_detailed
  3. FIXED: Replacing missing Keyboard option on desktop devices
  4. ADDED: Game Difficulty – Easy / Normal / Hard
  • OSX v2.0.5 (44) – Download
  • Windows v2.0.5 (44) (rebuilt installer) – Download
  • Windows v2.0.5 (44) (no installer) – Download

Version 2.0.5 (44)

  1. ADDED: panel_map_detailed – tool tip for location – press
  2. ADDED: panel_options – gameplay rules
  3. ADDED: Rule: Impassable Mountains
  4. ADDED: Rule: AI Impassable Mountains
  5. ADDED: Rule: Sole Mountaineer
  6. ADDED: Rule: Add mountain passes
  7. ADDED: Rule: LoM – Unrecruitable Fey
  8. FIXED: Character Time Shader
  9. FIXED: Android Rotation

version 2.0.4 (43)

  1. ADDED: permanent scrollbar to all scrollable tip windows
  2. ADDED: panel_map_detailed – clarity behind multi lord select popup
  3. ADDED: panel_look – compass – Long Press (see options)
  4. ADDED: panel_look – tool tip to lords on landscaping screen – press
  5. ADDED: panel_look – select lord from landscaping screen
  6. ADDED: panel_look – lord name to approach icon on choose actions
  7. FIXED: panel_select – crash caused by adding a new page / reorganise button
  8. FIXED: panel_select – [win] missing or corrupt lord names
  9. FIXED: panel_select – truncated long lord names

Version 2.0.3 (42)

  1. [desktop] Added cursor sizes (small/medium/large)

Version 2.0.3 (41)

  1. fix crash caused by too many armies at a location
  2. panel_think – adjust page indicator size dependent on number of pages

Version 2.0.3 (39)

  1. Return graffiti easter egg
  2. Add confirm night option
  3. panel_look – Add drag down gesture to moves
  4. panel_look – Add drag up gesture for map
  5. [desktop] Add mouse cursor images
  6. [desktop] Consolidate ESC key across all screens
  7. [desktop] Tidy shortcut keys across all screens
  8. [Android] panel_mainmenu Hardware back button now performs Exit
  9. [mobile] Tweak scale of buttons

Version 2.0.3 (38)

  1. Fixed: panel_think – adjust UI on phone
  2. Fixed: potential memory leaks that could be causing crashes

Version 2.0.2 (36)

  1. panel_think: Fix army numbers text

Version 2.0.2 (35)

  1. New credits screen
  2. Fix courage, ice fear, and energy description.

Version 2.0.1 (34)

  1. panel_dedication – tweak times and fix when transitions disabled
  2. panel_night – made night processing thread safe
  3. Rewritten all text handling to resolve memory issues

Version 2.0.1 (33)

  1. panel_splashscreen – rewritten spectrum loading bars
  2. panel_look – rewritten landscaping panning
  3. Built with more debug info

Version 2.0 (31)

  1. Fixed: panel_splash: Attempted fix for crash on loading screens
  2. Adjusted [ios] Safe Area
  3. Misc code tidy

Version 2.0 (30)

  1. Fixed: panel_look: Think page on move
  2. Fixed: crashes when returning from adverts with transitions turned on

Version 2.0 (29)

  1. Fixed: crashes when returning from adverts with transitions turned off
  2. Fixed: panel_splash: Attempted fix for crash on loading screens
  3. Fixed: panel_look: Attempted fix for crash after movement

Version 2.0 (28)

  1. Added: panel_map_detailed: Simple zoom gadget
  2. Fixed: panel_look: Failed move for group now thinks for correct lord
  3. Fixed: [mobile] panel_options: removed ‘Keyboard Style’
  4. Fixed: panel_options: removed ‘Think Paging’
  5. Fixed: panel_think: Terrain is now shown black
  6. Updated splash screen for wide views
  7. Updated credits screen for wide views
  8. Fixed: [Desktop] Round window width calculation
  9. panel_look: reposition group leader shield
  10. Misc cosmetic menu tweaks
  11. Fixed: [ios] correct safe area calculation for notch

Version 2.0 (27)

  1. Fixed: Misc memory leaks – potential random crashes

Version 2.0 (26)

  1. Fixed: Selecting a different character leaves a black box on the look screen for a few seconds.
  2. Fixed: Game crashes selecting New Story when there are no available slots.
  3. Added [ios]: Saves games are now available through iTunes file browser.
  4. Fixed: Corret build number now shown on credits screen
  5. Added [Desktop]: Version checking
  6. Built with more debug info

Version 2.0 (23,24,25)

  1. Fixed: Crash after responding no to “Are you Sure”

Version 2.0 (21,22,23,24)

  1. Fixed: Can’t undo correctly after switching lord
  2. Fixed: Swipe to move not working
  3. Fixed: [Desktop] Direction keys on numbers not mapped correctly (SHIFT 1-8)
  4. Added: new flip screen option
  5. Fixed: Names on the map screen collide
  6. Fixed: View does not drag rotate correctly from N to NW
  7. Fixed: Speculative changes for possible crash
  8. Fixed: Doomdark’s armies reported incorrectly as ahead and with incorrect numbers
  9. [Desktop] Added Resolution switcher

Version 2.0 (20)

  1. Wider camera view dependent on device
  2. New night shader for terrain and Characters
  3. Added ‘fight’ option to think screen
  4. Added ‘hide’ option to think screen
  5. Added ‘approach’ option to think screen
  6. Added ‘post’ and ‘recruit’ to think screen
  7. Added ‘disband’ and ‘leave’ group to think screen
  8. Think screen now scrolls vertically
  9. Think screen now has scrolling pages