I thought I’d better post here, because it seems it’s been a while!
I know many people might be thinking that this project is going the way of all the others… vapourware, and to be truthful there is always the chance of that. I do find it very hard to get the work done in the evenings, when I have so much going on. And we’ve had such a good summer, in the scheme of things, that I’ve found it very hard to do any coding in the evenings.
The last few months has seen me going through a merry go round of my work contracts, and in particular I’ve been working silly hours.
I also had a lot of problems with Marmalade, the SDK I’m using to give me the cross platform. They have only recently been resolved.
Anyway, enough of the excuses, other than to say that 6 months has disappeared and the project hasn’t moved on a great deal!
The intention is to fire up the quatro, and make a real push to get work done started again from Jan. I’ll also try and keep the blog up to date.
I noticed that man people have visited and will have seen no movement for a while… 🙁 sorry about that!
So, watch this space…