Sentries yawned and looked around only to see if the NEXT watch approached

The Lords of Midnight – ZX Spectrum Next.

It gives me great pleasure to confirm that Matt Davies and Simon Butler will be bringing The Lords of Midnight to the ZX Spectrum Next.

The Spectrum Next – an updated and enhanced version of the ZX Spectrum totally compatible with the original, featuring the major hardware developments of the past many years packed inside a simple (and beautiful) design by the original designer, Rick Dickinson, inspired by his seminal work at Sinclair Research.


The eye wearied of gazing at water…

An early version of the landscaping with added water… There’s a lot of work to do to get it right, but it’s a start. Images with and without features for comparison.

First image is a river running between the Lith of Mitharg and down the Plains of Gard. The second is a river running through the Plains of Blood.